Sunday, March 21, 2010

Feedback: for Jean's eyes only

Hi Jean, Jackson here. I have reviewed most of your blogs and would like to commend you for your work, thus far. If not analyzing a quote from the text, you are providing us with personal experience from other classes you are or have taken, which pertain to your topic. You have quoted your CMC 350 and sociology classes a few times in recent posts, which is excellent - I am sure others in our class would appreciate hearing some of the material you discuss in other classes, to give us a better grip on our coursework. For example, in your most recent post, you commented on Poster's idea of web connectivity and tied it into internet privacy issues, which you learned in CMC 350. Rather than simply repeating something you had learned in class, you expanded my knowledge of internet privacy laws and restrictions - something I previously knew nothing about. Also, I like how you use very direct language, leaving no mystery to the point you want to emphasize and I have noticed that almost all your posts have exceeded the minimum 300 word requirement, going into fairly deep analysis and critique on the topic of discussion. However, reading some of your posts, I feel like you are trying to touch on too many topics at once and when you do so, you leave out punctuation, which makes it can make it difficult to read at times. My one suggestion is that you proofread your posts before submitting them. Personally, I will lose a few words in translation from my brain to paper: it's a common human error and unfortunately the only cure is proofreading and editing. It may only take a few extra minutes, but it's well worth it.

Otherwise, keep up the blog work. I counted that you have only missed 1 (perhaps 2) blog entrees so far, but keep dropping knowledge on us - it's much appreciated

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