Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Can this be anymore difficult to comprehend? :(
I personally think postmodernism is so whimsical because of we can only define it by comparing it to modernism. I understand the binary opposition concept, yet it only makes me feel like I am thinking on terms of "good v bad" "light v dark" etc.
The most painful part of this reading was how I felt like I understood what he was saying in one sentence and in the next, he's lost me.
To be honest, the first thing that came into my mind was the game called "Marco Polo." In my opinion, this is a game - an action and reaction. You don't see it but you ultimately "catch" someone because you understand the concept after focusing.
If this article was to answer the proposed question: What is postmodernism? I would say it is the molding and transformation process that is capable of evoking,
Another idea which caught my attention was the notion of reality...

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