Tuesday, February 9, 2010

King Kriggle Post class for 2/9/10

Thinking back to the awesome class we had today I continue to think about one thing…the grape example…haha, I know it seems small but it really got me thinking again about what Benjamin had said “in principle all works of art are reproducible” (19). This is a really good point, but in the class today we dove into the fact that by repeating something like that you lose some of the essence. So I pose a question about this and look back to how artificial it really is out there or can be one day. In the movie The Matrix a character named “mouse” begins to talk to Neo in one of the opening scenes about how he wonders if they got “tastee wheat” correct in the matrix. By this he means he wonders if the machines were able to get the taste right for him to perceive it, and then he went on to say what if it didn’t really taste like that, what if it actually tasted like something else. This is a very interesting point that I think could very well happen in the future. If the children of tomorrow get so used to the phrase “some natural and other artificial flavors added” how will they ever want or know a real watermelon, grape, cherry, or any other flavor for that matter. Most children of today when they think of the flavor cherry will always think of the additive grenadine which made so many Shirley temples or whatever people of the day called them. Truth of the matter is that artificial good or bad, is coming. If you look at the progression of our population it is going to get hard to supply this many people with products that are not in some way artificial, but therein lies the problem. It isn’t always better for you or better for the environment to make such products, but they do it anyway…haha gotta love the whole thing right?

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