Sunday, January 31, 2010

VAGABOND, post-class 1/28

After our class discussion this week about intertexuality, I started to think about the epic movie that made's top 250 movies-of-all-time list after the 3rd day it was released - Avatar.
It was absolutely amazing and I definitely would have camped out at the theatre just so I can relive in that 3D experience over and over again. However, looking back, I admit that the story line was far from original. It is true that it was great and entertaining but it really was nothing new. In fact, rumors had it that the script for Avatar was basically Pocahontas' original screenplay with the names alternated. There are also several movies where the plot line intertwine with Dancing with Wolves and Matrix...etc.
I was disappointed and being the rebel that I am, I definitely refused to just believe that "all ideas that can be think of have been thought through." Creativity is still present in Avatar, is it not? Did James Cameron not come up with the mind blowing visuals? The idea of representing it through a different media has certainly proved to be successful.

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