Horkheimer and Adorno talk about mass media within American society. Mostly in television, film and radio. All these means of media are all related through the same idea that they create certain images as the norm. According to Adorno and Horkheimer this is called "sameness", which is the belief that even though America is made up of people with many backgrounds, they all have an identical idea of how something should be or what something should look like. The the means of media production, it is an easy way to spread ideologies.
I can relate a lot of this reading to our past theorists, Walter Benjamin and his theories regarding images and reality. " the whole world is passed through the filter of the culture industry. The familiar experience of the moviegoer, who perceives the street outside as a continuation of the film he has just left, because the film seeks strictly to reproduce the world of everyday perception, has become the guideline of production." (45) People are unable to differentiate the real from the fake even though the movie is an imitation because of how realistic it is perceived. Because movies have such an influential impact on people , the audience filtering their ideas are creating hegemony.
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